109 research outputs found


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    ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta el estado del arte de la investigación existente en la metodología para el diagnóstico de fallas en motores síncronos de imanes permanentes (PMSM, por sus siglas en inglés) que tienen aplicación en los sistemas de industria 4.0. Los PMSM están incluidos en un conjunto de sistemas que deben tener la capacidad de diagnosticar su estado de operación y tomar decisiones para mantener la integridad de sus elementos en operación, evitando mantenimientos correctivos y paros de producción. Por tanto, se revisan trabajos de investigación, enfatizando aquellos de los últimos 10 años. En ellos se presentan las diferentes metodologías para el diagnóstico de fallas, tipos de fallas, algoritmos y elementos necesarios  para los PMSM. Con base en el análisis, queda manifiesta la gran relevancia del PMSM y el estudio de sus fallas para la industria 4.0.Palabras clave: Diagnóstico de Fallas, Métodos de Detección, PMSM.AbstractThis paper presents the state of the art of the existing research in the methodology for the diagnosis of faults in permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) with application in industry 4.0 systems. The PMSM are included in a set of systems that must have the ability to diagnose their own operating status and make decisions to maintain the integrity of their elements in operation, avoiding corrective maintenance and production stoppages. Therefore, research works are reviewed, emphasizing those of the last 10 years. Different methodologies for the diagnosis of faults, types of faults, algorithms and elements necessary for this type of electric machine are presented. Based on the analysis, it is evident the great relevance of the PMSM and the study of its faults for the industry 4.0.Keywords: Fault Diagnosis, Detection Methods, PMSM


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    En este trabajo se realizó la detección de falla eléctrica de estator de una máquina síncrona de imanes permanentes (PMSM, por sus siglas en inglés) trifásica, funcionando como máquina eléctrica de un aerogenerador de baja potencia a diferentes velocidades. La falla eléctrica a detectar, son los circuitos abiertos provocados por cortos-circuitos entre vueltas de los devanados del estator de la PMSM. La detección de falla se realiza experimentalmente en un banco de pruebas diseñado y construido con base en una máquina de cd y un sistema electrónico de potencia que permite al motor imitar la energía mecánica del viento. Las señales trifásicas de corriente del estator de la PMSM son transformadas al marco de referencia αβ para obtener el módulo del vector de Park de las corrientes. El vector de Park se analiza con la transformada rápida de Fourier (FFT por sus siglas en inglés) para obtener la firma de falla.In this work, the detection of stator electrical failure of a three-phase synchronous permanent magnet machine (PMSM), as an electric machine of a low power wind turbine, was performed at different speeds. The electrical fault to be detected are the open circuits caused by interturns short circuits of the stator windings of the PMSM. The fault detection is made experimentally in a test bench designed and built based on a dc machine and electronic power system that allows the motor to imitate the mechanical energy of the wind. The current signals of the stator of the PMSM are transformed to the αβ reference frame, in order to obtain the modulus of the Park vector of the currents. The Park vector is analyzed with the fast Fourier transform and thus obtain the fault signature

    Performance of electrical energy monitoring data acquisition system for plant-based microbial fuel cell

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    Plant microbial fuel cell (Plant-MFC) is an emerging technology that uses the metabolic activity of electrochemically active bacteria (EABs) to continue the production of bioelectricity. Since its invention and to date, great efforts have been made for its application both in real-time and large-scale. However, the construction of platforms or systems for automatic voltage monitoring has been insufficiently studied. Therefore, this study aimed to develop an automatic real-time voltage data acquisition system, which was coupled with an ATMEGA2560 connected to a personal computer. Before the system operation started it was calibrated to obtain accurate data. During this experiment, the power generation performance of two types of reactors i.e. (i) Plant-MFC and (ii) control microbial fuel cell (C-MFC), was evaluated for 15 days. The Plant-MFC was planted with an herbaceous perennial plant (Stevia rebaudiana), electrode system was placed close to the plant roots at the depth of 20 cm. The results of the study have indicated that the Plant-MFC, was more effective and achieved higher bioelectricity generation than C-MFC. The maximum voltage reached with Plant-MFC was 850 mV (0.85 V), whereas C-MFC achieved a maximum voltage of 762 mV (0.772 V). Furthermore, the same reactor demonstrated a maximum power generation of 66 mW m¯2 on 10 min of polarization, while a power density with C-MFC was equal to 13.64 mW m¯2. S.rebaudiana showed a great alternative for power generation. In addition, the monitoring acquisition system was suitable for obtaining data in real-time. However, more studies are recommended to enhance this type of system


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    ResumenEn este trabajo se presenta el sistema desarrollado para el cálculo de la demanda y consumo eléctrico mensual de la Unidad Azcapotzalco de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. El sistema utiliza la información proporcionada por un medidor Kitron OPH-03/Cv9 instalado desde 1997 en la subestación principal de la Unidad. El instrumento almacena las lecturas de las variables eléctricas en intervalos de cinco minutos durante treinta días. Los datos obtenidos se almacenan en una base de datos para posteriormente ser procesados por el programa que reproduce el algoritmo de la tarifa H-M en media tensión (23 kV). La validación del sistema se hizo con los datos del periodo comprendido entre enero y marzo de 2017, que una vez que fueron procesados por el programa desarrollado, se compararon con la información disponible en los recibos de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) correspondientes a los meses señalados.Palabras Claves: Cálculo de costo de electricidad, consumo eléctrico, demanda eléctrica, Kitron OPH-03/Cv9, tarifa del suministro de electricidad. SYSTEM OF CALCULATION OF THE ELECTRICAL CONSUMPTION OF THE UAM AZCAPOTZALCOAbstractThis work presents the system implemented to calculate the monthly electricity demand and consumption in the Azcapotzalco Campus of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. The system consists of a Kitron OPH-03/Cv9 meter installed in the main substation of the Campus that saves the electricity demand variables every five minutes for 30 days. The information is saved in a database and then processed by the designed program that reproduces the electricity supplier tariff algorithm. Tests were performed with the obtained data for January to March 2017 and the obtained results were validated using the information available in the CFE invoice for the corresponding months.Keywords: Electricity cost calculation, electricity consumption, electricity demand, kitron OPH-03/Cv9, tariff of electricity supplier

    Centrality evolution of the charged-particle pseudorapidity density over a broad pseudorapidity range in Pb-Pb collisions at root s(NN)=2.76TeV

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    Livestock’s Urine-Based Plant Microbial Fuel Cells Improve Plant Growth and Power Generation

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    Plant microbial fuel cells (P-MFCs) are sustainable and eco-friendly technologies, which use plant root exudates to directly nourish the electrochemically active bacteria (EABs) to generate sustainable electricity. However, their use in evaluating plant growth has been insufficiently studied. In this study, interconnection between plant growth and the production of bioelectricity was evaluated by using P-MFCs inoculated with 642.865 mL ≅ 643 mL of livestock’s urine such as cow urine, goat urine, and sheep urine. The greatest mean stem diameter of 0.52 ± 0.01 cm was found in P-MFC-3 inoculated with goat urine, while the P-MFC-2 treated with cow urine reached a higher average number of roots with a value of 86 ± 2.50 (95% improvement) (p −2 (931 mA m−2) was reached with cow urine; in turn, with regard to the long-term operation, the same reactor indicated a higher maximum average power density of 43.68 ± 3.05 mW m−2. The study’s findings indicated that Stevia P-MFC inoculated with urine was a good option to increase the biomass amount for the agricultural plants along with power generation. Further, this study opens the way for more investigation of evaluating the impact of P-MFC on plant growth

    Compilación de Proyectos de Investigacion de 1984-2002

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    Instituto Politecnico Nacional. UPIICS

    Compilación de Proyectos de Investigación desde el año 2003 al 2012

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    Listado de Proyectos de investigación de UPIICSA desde 2003 a 201

    The immunogenetic diversity of the HLA system in Mexico correlates with underlying population genetic structure

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    International audienc

    Estudios multidisciplinarios en Ciencias de la Salud

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    Es una distinción, como miembro de la Comisión del Programa del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, presentar el libro titulado Estudios multidisciplinarios en Ciencias de la Salud, en el que distinguidos y reconocidos investigadores, entusiastas y comprometidos alumnos del programa nos dan a conocer los resultados de sus proyectos de investigación, trabajos que forman parte de los requisitos para acceder al grado de doctor. Entre las razones que invitan a la lectura del libro destaca su contenido conformado con la participación de autores en cuatro áreas en el campo de la salud: Odontología, Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición, Ciencias de la Conducta, y Enfermería y Obstetricia, quienes contribuyen a incrementar el acervo del conocimiento en cada área, en favor de la ciencia, la tecnología, y la salud física y mental de la población.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México